archlord » Archlord PvP Tips(47-48) - Блог aahh Пријавите се

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Hello player, that's cool when you at level 47+ in Archlord, however, it's some detail PvP skills at this level that haven't know, let me introduce it to you. Hope it helps you

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Ажурирати: 30/07/2010 03:54
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archlord :: Archlord PvP Tips(47-48)

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Archlord Guide: Level 10-30 - 30/07/2010 03:54

Here are some information for you level 10 to 30 in Archlord, have a look as that can help you more or less. Hope you can have a good time with this game.

Level 10 – 20
- 18 skill(Buy Archlord Gold) points required here.
- As you can see from here you will start to increase your defence and physical resist ratings to allow you to pull more mobs for your AoE grind.

Level(Archlord powerleveling) 20 – 30
- 30 Skill points required here.
- At long last you finally get another AoE skill. This is the level range you will most likely fly through if you use an evasion chantra pot. You'll probably notice we never max out 'Linear Blow'. The reason behind this is really the skill isn't that much better from stage 4 to 5 when you can have an extra point in your harder hitting AoE 'Swing Shot'. You will do later on in a 1h+Shield build but for 2hand you wont need it much longer.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Archlord Guide: Stages of Being Villian - 12/05/2010 04:21

As players called, the PK penalties or "villian" points, are extremely painful to accumulate in Archlord. You can earn Villian points by killing someone who

does not fight back or killing players 4 levels(Buy Archlord Gold) below. Here, we provide 3 stages of being Villian, hope to help you.

Level 1 - 40 Villain Points:
- It is disabled that trading between players.
- Guards will attack you.
- The more items will drop by you upon PvP death.
- What is also disabled is partying with other players.

Level(Archlord powerleveling) 2 - 60:
- All Level 1 Rogue is disadvantages to play this game.
- You can not trading with all NPC's and the Auction House as it is disabled.

Level 3 - 100 Villain Points.
- All Level 1 & 2 Rogue disadvantages.
- 9% Exp loss as the character death.
- And 50% decrease in xp gain.
- You can not be the 1st attacker.

Have you attention at level 2? No trading with NPCs. Because of most of your game interaction is going to be buying potions and what not, that way is more harsh than level 3.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Archlord Guide: Raiders game level 1-5 - 28/04/2010 08:06

Talk about speed training methods Overlord career. The following are the proposed group Daguai full members, the addition of 70 full teams, and  Archlord players will be counted to kill the strange task of go. We think we all know what this means right at level(Archlord powerleveling) 1-5: all the city from Luoyi encounter an old woman came out to play your frog meat, this must be done to fight with the power radiance, lay it upon the task assigned to the old lady.

Then go forward, you will see a hunter, to lead on all tasks, the operations are completed. Do not rush to play(Buy Archlord Gold), the first forward to the Lo village, old granddaughter access point task. Then go find the village members, to be able to pay the tasks connected. Some are relatively simple task. The scene to complete the first complete, and then to return to the East entrance to kill five rats. End went to hunters pay to kill the task. Then back to the village to the farmers that pay Luoshui task, then he will give you a pet cat, bring it, it is strange since the top to help you Yinguai good helper.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Archlord Summarize of Strategy - 06/04/2010 04:57

Grind slow, a few dozen ShouMan, less, or about our heart. You canbuy Archlord Gold for your Character.

LianZhao: lower: hand bolo back XX + + to + + crack leg hamstring crack and leg + ride T + hit (XX) forward +.

Upper: on a whirlwind + legs (bolo if in a physical attack may have words)

The crash (melee whirlwind + a leg)

Whirlwind legs (melee whirlwind + a leg)

On receiving a whirlwind + + destroy leg (fell) hit earth (or overlord boxing) + + to + crack banqiao leg hamstring crack and leg + ride T + hit "this we have even had two large skills, generally do not finish all systems are protected". We provideArchlord powerleveling for you.

Escape: 1. the Y axis direction, look for opportunities with normal attack hands or arms, back to a small LianZhao.

2. rectilinear direction: hit (Y also small mobile), in the bolo + X, Y axis and small dislocation, avoid straight to attack in Archlord.

3. cyclone leg in the air and ground can run.